If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident that was due to someone else’s negligence, our empathetic and experienced team at the Law Office of Jessica Davis can provide you with personalized support and sound legal advice throughout every stage of your claim.  We will deal with the insurance companies and litigation process on your behalf to obtain compensation to cover your lost wages, medical and hospital bills, as well as funeral costs, should the accident have resulted in the death of a loved one.

When dealing with the overwhelming laundry list of tasks to take care of, from repairing or replacing your vehicle to trying to figure out how to pay the medical bills that you incurred as a result of your accident, it’s understandable that contacting a lawyer to discuss your case may not be front of mind. Unfortunately for Texans, strict laws are in place that limit the time period in which you have to file a claim, so securing the help of a passionate legal team is not something that you should put off. The last thing that you need is to finally contact an attorney only to learn that it’s too late to obtain the justice you deserve.

When you call our firm for the first time, you can expect to speak with a highly knowledgeable member of our legal team who will ask you to walk them through the whole story of your accident, often thinking to ask you questions that you may not have even considered relevant to your case. Our empathetic intake specialists will put your mind at ease, considering all variables and letting you know exactly how best to proceed to protect your  interests from whatever point you are at, and which next steps will be critical to protecting your legal rights.