Today, most families must deal with the reality of daycare and after-school programs. Both parents must work in order to make ends meet, and they require quality daycare for their preschool-aged children while they are at work. For single parents, who have even less money to contribute to the cost of childcare, this may be more difficult. Some childcare centers create unsafe conditions for the kids they are supposed to be protecting in order to satisfy demand and keep their services affordable. It might be challenging to determine whether a childcare center is a secure environment for your child before making a decision.

The most vulnerable people in our society are our children. The Law Office of Jessica B. Davis is passionate about ensuring the safety of children and holding caregivers responsible for every child they directly damage or inadvertently injure. Along with our commitment to seeing that the hurt child is duly compensated, we also want to let the childcare provider know that we won’t stand for unsafe conditions that endanger kids. Call us for the legal assistance you need to seek justice for your child and to make our community a safer place for all children when your child suffers an injury or is neglected in a childcare center.